
Our Sponsors

As one of the world’s leading environmental and engineering professional services consultancies, WSP brings clarity and vision to complex challenges. With the recent acquisition of Golder we are a global leader in mining, mine water, and mine infrastructure. Our global team of technical specialists and strategic advisers work with our mining clients on mine water management to overcome challenges and identify new opportunities. Through a water stewardship approach we support our clients in meeting both the needs of today and addressing the challenges of the future.

WSP is on course to become a net zero business by 2025 and announced in October 2020 a commitment to halve the carbon footprint of all designs and advice provided to clients by 2030, a first in the engineering consultancy sector.

Mine Environment Management is a leading geoscience and environmental engineering consultancy headquartered in Wales, UK.

As mining consultants we deliver practical and pragmatic answers for the mining industry worldwide across the full life of mine cycle, from planning through operations to closure and regeneration. MEM was established with the core aim to utilise sound scientific principles to develop novel and innovative solutions for the management of the mining environment. We strongly believe science is behind the success of your project.

Our mining consultants have extensive practical and applied experience of the planning, design and management of tailings and waste rock storage facilities across a broad range of geographical and climatic site settings and commodity types. Our fields of expertise in applied geoscience is broad and reflects our comprehensive commercial and research project track record.

We have significant international experience having worked on projects in Scandinavia, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Africa, Central and Southern America, Canada, Central and South East Asia. We have a strong research track record and our staff have authored over 20 published scientific papers relating to mine site geochemistry, laboratory testing, mine waste management and mine closure planning and have presented widely at international conferences worldwide. We collaborate with other consultants on research projects. Our current collaborations are on carbon sequestration, fragmentation and modular water treatment projects.

14th IMWA Congress Sponsorship Packages

Please find a range of potential sponsorship options for the conference in below document. The packages are still in the process of being developed and we are happy to discuss with individual organisations bespoke offerings that fit with their own aims and objectives

If you wish to discuss these opportunities in more detail please email sponsorship@imwa2021.info.