
We are delighted and honoured to host the 14th International Mine Water Association Congress from 12 – 16 July 2021 as first ever virtual IMWA.

Our minerals sector once supplied coal, slate and metals globally. Whilst there remains limited exploitation of reserves, we retain numerous collieries, open cast mines and quarries plus over 1300 abandoned metal mines that impact over 700 km of river reaches.

Wales has introduced innovative legislation on the Well-being of Future Generations that Nikhil Seth as Head of Sustainable Development, United Nations said:

“We hope that what Wales is doing today the world will do tomorrow. Action, more than words, is the hope for our current and future generations.”

As public bodies here, must now work together to improve our environment to deliver multiple benefits to protect the long term, we wish to share our ambitions with you.

For a small country, we like to aim high and punch above our weight. In our Non-Coal Mines Programme, we have been trialling new techniques and wish to share them with you.

We really hope that you will join us for this first ever virtual IMWA and that we will be able to provide a warm virtual Welsh welcome to as many of you as possible over the course of the week.

Hwyl fawr, Best wishes and Glückauf

Peter Stanley