Oral presentations
The official language of the IMWA 2021 Congress is English.
- Regular presentations will be 20 minutes (15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes questions). The time slots in ConfTool are 25 minutes due to the fact that there will be a 5 minute offscreen break after each presentations.
Due to the online offering we have some flexibility in presenting. You can either send a pre-recorded presentation or present live. Presenters are advised to finalize their presentations well in advance. For live presentations you need to have a stable internet connection as we will be delivering the sessions on Zoom or similar. Your slides would either need to be incorporated into your recording or for a live offering need to be managed by yourself using screen share. We encourage you to upload your pre-recorded presentationa to our ConfTool web page.
Here you can find “Tips and Tricks for Speakers” to prepare a technically correct Power Point presentation.
There will be an online space for poster presentations that can be visited throughout the whole congress. This spaces leaves a lot of opportunity to present your findings and we can find customized ways of presenting.
It will look similar to this:

A poster session will run on Tuesday afternoon from 3.30 to 5.30. Please make sure you are able to chat with delegates throughout that time. You will get your own Zoom or similar room &/or chat for delegates to visit and drop in to the discussion.
Please provide us with a short introduction/abstract for your poster as well as a pdf file with your poster. Where you see the “poster download heading” above this is a thumbnail which people would click and the file would then download to their computer. Below that is an example of what a video window would look like. If you have a short video descriptor please send that to us and we can upload to Youtube to stream into the page.
If you have images you would like to have on your page as well and not only within the poster, please send this through to us as well using zip format within the ConfTool poster submission process.
If you have any other files (word, excel or powerpoint) we can also create download links for those as well.
For questions please contact James (technical support) &/or Karoline (IMWA secretariat).
IMWA 2021 logos
Please ask if you need any other file format (e.g. wmf, eps, tiff)
To download a graphic file, click right mouse button and select “Save Link As” or “Save Target As” (wording depends on your browser) – you must not use “Save Image As”.